Title (J) field includes “発電”; 8 programs are found.
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Time | Paper ID | Title / Authors | Keywords | Topic code | Ack. number |
Day 1 | F113 | Chemical Vapor Deposition Rate Control of Bismuth-based Perovskite Thin Film for Photovoltaic Performances Improvement | Chemical vapor deposition Methylammonium bismuth iodide Molten bismuth | 5-h | 554 |
Day 2 | F202 | Dynamic analysis method of fuel cell reaction distribution by fuel cell system simulator | Fuel cell system simulation distribution | 5-e | 649 |
Day 2 | PC243 | Assessment on Effects of Operating Temperature and Separator Thickness on Coupling Phenomena in Single Cell of PEFC under High Temperature Power Generation Condition | PEFC Separator Thickness High Temperature Operation | 9-e | 78 |
Day 2 | PC253 | Power generation characteristics of direct formic acid fuel cells using pore-designed diffusion layer for anode | DFAFC Pore characteristics Mass transport | 9-a | 248 |
Day 2 | PC250 | Evaluation of the economics of thermochemical storage reactor for integration with a biomass power plant | thermochemical heat storage renewable energy fluidized bed | 9-e | 414 |
Day 2 | PC260 | Hydrothermal reaction characteristics of heavy tar mixed with bottom ash generated in a woody biomass gasification power generation system | Heavy Tar Bottom Ash Gas Conversion | 9-f | 256 |
Day 3 | E304 | Real-time forecasting model of photovoltaics power generation including shadows and estimation of electricity market imbalance penalty | Energy system Solar cell Electricity market | 9-e | 615 |
Day 3 | E318 | Performance and durability of PEFC using carbon-free ionomer-free Pt cathode | Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Catalyst layer Pt black | 9-e | 695 |
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SCEJ 88th Annual Meeting (Tokyo, 2023)