講演 時刻 | 講演 番号 | 講演題目/発表者 | キーワード | 分類 番号 | 受理 番号 |
第 1 日 13:20~ 14:20 | PA135 | 様々なゼオライトの抗菌・抗ウイルス特性
| Antiviral Zeolite Ion-exchange
| 12-m | 671 |
Day 1 13:40~ 14:00 | D115 | [Invited lecture] Application of PSE into social challenges
| Life cycle management Resource circulation Regional transformation
| K-2 | 610 |
第 1 日 13:40~ 14:00 | I115 | CFD-based investigation of a novel decontamination process using ultrasound technology
| Biopharmaceuticals Decontamination process CFD modeling
| 6-b | 407 |
第 1 日 13:40~ 14:00 | J115 | A CFD model-based design of seeding processes for two-dimensional mesenchymal stem cell cultivation
| Heterogeneity Cultivation Regenerative medicine
| 7-a | 158 |
Day 1 14:00~ 14:20 | D116 | [Invited lecture] The role of data-driven and hybrid modeling in biopharmaceutical manufacturing
| K-2 | 612 |
Day 1 14:20~ 14:40 | D117 | [Invited lecture] Design of New Energy Harvesting Technologies for Cyber-Physical Systems
| Energy harvesting Cyber-Physical Systems Magnetic Phase Transition
| K-2 | 611 |
第 1 日 16:20~ 16:40 | J123 | Unraveling the mechanochromism of polydiacetylene under liquid environment
| Polydiacetylene friction force microscopy biosensor
| 7-g | 144 |
第 2 日 9:20~ 10:20 | PB215 | Shear thinning性を有する新規ECM模倣インジェクタブル止血材の開発
| Hemostat ECM Shear thinning
| 7-e | 229 |
第 2 日 9:20~ 10:20 | PB233 | Structural mapping of polydiacetylene by hyperspectral microscopy
| Polydiacetylene Hyperspectral Microscope
| 7-i | 94 |
第 2 日 10:20~ 11:20 | PB236 | 肝細胞増殖因子DNAアプタマーによる術後腹膜癒着防止効果
| HGF DNA Aptamer Postoperative Peritoneal Adhesion Mesothelial Mesenchymal Transition
| 7-e | 433 |
第 3 日 10:40~ 11:00 | H306 | [注目講演] Machine learning-based calibration of physical properties in bulk material simulations
| Discrete element method Machine learning Model identification
| 2-f | 284 |
第 3 日 14:00~ 14:20 | I316 | 一型糖尿病治療のための新規膵島移植用デバイスの開発
| polymer microwell device diabetes
| 7-e | 444 |