講演 時刻 | 講演 番号 | 講演題目/発表者 | キーワード | 分類 番号 | 受理 番号 |
Day 1 13:40~ 14:00 | D115 | [Invited lecture] Application of PSE into social challenges
| Life cycle management Resource circulation Regional transformation
| K-2 | 610 |
第 1 日 13:40~ 14:00 | I115 | CFD-based investigation of a novel decontamination process using ultrasound technology
| Biopharmaceuticals Decontamination process CFD modeling
| 6-b | 407 |
第 1 日 13:40~ 14:00 | J115 | A CFD model-based design of seeding processes for two-dimensional mesenchymal stem cell cultivation
| Heterogeneity Cultivation Regenerative medicine
| 7-a | 158 |
Day 1 14:00~ 14:20 | D116 | [Invited lecture] The role of data-driven and hybrid modeling in biopharmaceutical manufacturing
| K-2 | 612 |
Day 1 14:20~ 14:40 | D117 | [Invited lecture] Design of New Energy Harvesting Technologies for Cyber-Physical Systems
| Energy harvesting Cyber-Physical Systems Magnetic Phase Transition
| K-2 | 611 |
第 1 日 15:00~ 15:20 | J119 | 機械学習を取り入れた進化分子工学による非抗体タンパク質の分子認識機能化
| Antibody mimetics Phage display Machine-learning
| 7-a | 667 |
第 1 日 16:20~ 16:40 | J123 | Unraveling the mechanochromism of polydiacetylene under liquid environment
| Polydiacetylene friction force microscopy biosensor
| 7-g | 144 |
第 2 日 9:20~ 10:20 | PB225 | 機械学習を指針とした進化分子工学による抗体断片の結合機能創出
| Antibody fragments Phage display Machine learning
| 7-a | 551 |
第 2 日 9:20~ 10:20 | PB233 | Structural mapping of polydiacetylene by hyperspectral microscopy
| Polydiacetylene Hyperspectral Microscope
| 7-i | 94 |
第 2 日 10:20~ 11:20 | PB236 | 肝細胞増殖因子DNAアプタマーによる術後腹膜癒着防止効果
| HGF DNA Aptamer Postoperative Peritoneal Adhesion Mesothelial Mesenchymal Transition
| 7-e | 433 |
第 3 日 9:20~ 10:20 | PD321 | NiCo/C触媒による高温高圧アルコール中のリグニンモデル化合物の移動水素化分解
| lignin base metal catalyst hydrogenolysis
| 8-d | 111 |
第 3 日 10:20~ 11:20 | PD316 | 高温高圧水を用いたクロレラからの油脂抽出
| Hot compressed water Chlorella Lipid extractiona
| 8-f | 454 |
第 3 日 10:40~ 11:00 | H306 | [注目講演] Machine learning-based calibration of physical properties in bulk material simulations
| Discrete element method Machine learning Model identification
| 2-f | 284 |
Day 3 13:00~ 13:20 | D313 | Design and Optimization of a Bio-based Industrial Symbiosis for Feasibility
| Bioenergy coupled with carbon capture and utilization waste valorization Economic benefit and CO2 reduction
| IS-1 | 502 |
第 3 日 15:40~ 16:00 | E321 | Climate impact of H2 production through natural gas pyrolysis and water electrolysis
| Hydrogen Natural gas pyrolysis
| 9-e | 13 |
第 3 日 16:00~ 16:20 | E322 | Production of nitrogen-free syngas (H2 + CO) from CO2 and NH3
| ammonia syngas CO2 reduction
| 9-e | 62 |