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SCEJ 52nd Autumn Meeting (Okayama, 2021)

Program search result : Chitra Palaniswamy : 1 program

ST-25,SY-56,SY-64,SY-65,SY-70 are changed from live streaming sessions to online sessions.
The preprints are now open (Sep. 8). These can be viewed by clicking the Paper IDs. The ID/PW sent to the Registered participants (excludes free registration) and invited persons are required.

Authors field exact matches “Chitra Palaniswamy”; 1 program is found.
The search results are sorted by the start time.

Title / AuthorsKeywordsTopic codeAck.
Day 1
   Chair: Sakai Mikio, Chitra Palaniswamy
VH113[Review lecture] Why are fine particles suitable for the catalysts of fluidized catalyst beds?
(Kagoshima U.) (Reg)Kai Takami
Fluidized Bed
Catalyst Bed
Emulsion Phase
VH115A data-driven parameterized surrogate model for the identification of DEM simulation parameters
(U. Tokyo) *(Stu)Li Shuo, Duan Guangtao, (Reg)Sakai Mikio
Discrete element method
Data-driven surrogate model
Parameter identification
VH116Effect of particle size on the motion of a single probe particles in the particle suspension.
(Kobe U.) *(Stu)Goto Sayu, (Reg)Komoda Yoshiyuki, (Osaka Pref. U.) (Reg)Horie Takafumi, (Kobe U.) (Reg)Ohmura Naoto
Non-colloidal particles
Hydrodynamic interaction
Peclet number
VH117Effect of shear distribution on agglomeration behavior of micro-scale particles
(Kobe U.) *(Stu)Ochi Yusuke, (Osaka Pref. U.) (Reg)Horie Takafumi, (Kobe U.) (Reg)Komoda Yoshiyuki, (Reg)Ohmura Naoto
Shear distribution
Mixing tank

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SCEJ 52nd Autumn Meeting (Okayama, 2021)

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