講演 時刻 | 講演 番号 | 講演題目/発表者 | キーワード | 分類 番号 | 受理 番号 |
4. 分離プロセス |
(9:00~10:00) (座長 南雲 亮) |
9:00~ 9:20 | G201 | Development of loose nanofiltration PVDF hollow fiber membrane for dye/salt separation via surface entrapment followed by cross-linking
| loose nanofiltration PVDF hollow fiber dye/salt separation
| 4-a | 209 |
9:20~ 9:40 | G202 | A novel interfacial polymerization-induced highly positively charged nanofiltration membrane with ultra-high Mg/Li separation efficiency
| Positively caheged NF membrane Polyallylamine Mg2+/Li+ separation
| 4-a | 204 |
9:40~ 10:00 | G203 | 蒸気輸送法とアニオン交換法によるイオン性シロキサン膜の作製
| ionic siloxane membrane ionic liquid vapor phase transport
| 4-a | 35 |
(10:00~11:00) (座長 廣田 雄一朗) |
10:00~ 10:20 | G204 | Enrichment of ammoniacal nitrogen via osmotically assisted reverse osmosis
| osmotically assisted reverse osmosis ammoniacal nitrogen
| 4-a | 214 |
10:20~ 10:40 | G205 | Multi-functional calcium carbonate interlayer-regulated interfacial polymerization for highly permselective nanofiltration membrane
| Interfacial polymerization Nanofiltration Polyamide composite membrane
| 4-a | 252 |
10:40~ 11:00 | G206 | [注目講演] Molecular insights into the origin of membrane roughness in interfacial polymerization
| interfacial polymerization surface roughness molecular dynamics simulations
| 4-a | 193 |
(11:00~12:00) (座長 赤松 憲樹) |
11:00~ 11:20 | G207 | poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate)の水和/有機溶媒和に着目したファウリング挙動の計算化学的解析
| membrane fouling molecular dynamics poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)
| 4-a | 684 |
11:20~ 11:40 | G208 | Deformation constraints of graphene oxide nanochannels under reverse osmosis
| graphene oxide nanochannel membrane deformation constraint
| 4-a | 189 |
11:40~ 12:00 | G209 | 陽電子消滅寿命測定法を用いたポリアミド水処理膜の劣化の評価
| positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy polyamide degradation
| 4-a | 145 |
(13:20~14:40) (座長 長澤 寛規・金子 克美) |
13:20~ 13:40 | G214 | セルロースエステル膜による溶媒濃縮の検討
| cellulose ester hollow fiber solvent concentration
| 4-a | 401 |
13:40~ 14:00 | G215 | Osmotically Assisted Solvent Reverse Osmosis Membrane for Dewatering of Aqueous Ethanol Solution
| ethanol dewatering reverse osmosis heat treatment
| 4-a | 200 |
14:00~ 14:20 | G216 | エタノール水溶液の逆浸透分離データの解析と濃縮プロセスの設計
| reverse osmosis ethanol concentration
| 4-a | 415 |
14:20~ 14:40 | G217 | イミン結合の動的共有結合性を利用した刺激応答性駆動溶液の開発
| Forward osmosis membrane Dynamic covalent chemistry Draw solution
| 4-a | 706 |
(14:40~16:00) (座長 野村 幹弘・池田 歩) |
14:40~ 15:00 | G218 | 機械学習によるCO2膜分離プロセスの2目的最適化
| CCUS Bi-objective optimization membrane separation
| 4-a | 277 |
15:00~ 15:20 | G219 | 大気圧プラズマを用いて親水/疎水ナノ傾斜構造化したオルガノシリカ膜の有機溶媒脱水特性
| Nano-gradient structure Atmospheric pressure plasma organosilica
| 4-a | 281 |
15:20~ 15:40 | G220 | 炭素膜のガス透過分離特性に及ぼす焼成時の炭化水素添加効果
| Carbon molecular sieve membranes Hydrocarbon addition modification Gas separation
| 4-a | 717 |
15:40~ 16:00 | G221 | Gas permeation properties and hydrothermal stability performance of silica-zirconia-polybenzoxazine-derived carbon-ceramic composite membranes
| Benzoxazine Silica-zirconia Carbon
| 4-a | 89 |
(16:00~17:00) (座長 松岡 淳・原 伸生) |
16:00~ 16:20 | G222 | Graphene-wrapping treated zeolite membranes for ultrafast separation
| graphene membrane nanochannel
| 4-a | 97 |
16:20~ 16:40 | G223 | 2step蒸着法によるシリカ膜の透過性向上
| silice membrane Hydrogen 2 step deposition
| 4-a | 279 |
16:40~ 17:00 | G224 | エステル交換反応条件におけるFAU型ゼオライト膜の安定性評価
| Zeolite membrane methanol permeation organic vapor stability
| 4-a | 339 |