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Mon 23rd |
11:00–12:00 |
SP. Student Program |
13:00–15:00 |
16:00–17:30 |
S4 + S5 |
Tue 24th |
9:00–10:00 |
Plenary 1 |
10:30–12:00 |
A202–A206 S1. APCChE–UNIDO Special Symposium |
B202–B205 2. Fluid and particle processing |
C201–C206 12. Materials processing and interface control |
PD201–PD236 [SC] 12. Materials processing and interface control |
E202–E206 9. Energy engineering |
F201–F206, PF201 S4. SCEJ–AIChE: Bioseparation and bionano-technology |
G201–G205 11. Electronics materials and processes |
H201–H206 5. Chemical reaction engineering |
PI201–PI224 [SC] 13. Environ-ment |
J201–J205 4. Separation processes |
K201–K206 7. Biochemical engineering |
PL201–PL240 [SC] 7. Biochemical engineering |
M201–M206 S8. Materials and systems engineering for electrical energy devices |
N201–N207 6. Process systems engineering |
O201–O205 4. Separation processes |
13:30–15:00 |
A213–A214 S1. APCChE–UNIDO Special Symposium |
B213–B218 2. Fluid and particle processing |
C213–C218 12. Materials processing and interface control |
PD238–PD271 [SC] 12. Materials processing and interface control |
E214–E218 9. Energy engineering |
F213–F217, PF202–PF204 S5. SCEJ–ESBES: Next gen. downstream proc. of biologics |
G213–G218 5. Chemical reaction engineering |
H213–H218 5. Chemical reaction engineering |
PI225–PI247 [SC] 13. Environ-ment |
J213–J218 4. Separation processes |
K213–K217 7. Biochemical engineering |
PL241–PL276 [SC] 7. Biochemical engineering |
M213–M217 S8. Materials and systems engineering for electrical energy devices |
N213–N219 6. Process systems engineering |
O213–O218 4. Separation processes |
15:30–17:00 |
S1. APCChE–UNIDO Special Symposium |
B221–B226 2. Fluid and particle processing |
C221–C226 12. Materials processing and interface control |
PD272–PD299, PC201–PC207, PD237 [SC] 12. Materials processing and interface control |
E221–E226 9. Energy engineering |
F223–F224, PF205–PF210 S5. SCEJ–ESBES: Next generation d/s proc. of biologics |
G221–G226 5. Chemical reaction engineering |
H201–H206 H221–H226 5. Chemical reaction engineering |
PI248–PI265 [SC] 13. Environ-ment |
J221–J226 4. Separation processes |
K221–K225 7. Biochemical engineering |
[SC] 7. Biochemical engineering |
M221–M225 S8. Materials and systems engineering for electrical energy devices |
N221–N225 6. Process systems engineering |
O221–O225 4. Separation processes |
17:00–19:00 Hall P |
PA201–PA203; [Poster] S1. APCChE–UNIDO Special Symp. |
PD201–PD299, PC200–PC207 [Poster] 12. Materials and interface |
PF201–PF224 [Poster] S4. AIChE, S5. ESBES |
PF231–PF253 [Poster] 8. SCF tech. |
PG201–PG217 [Poster] 11. Electronics mater. and processes |
PI201–PI265 [Poster] 13. Environ-ment |
PL201–PL276 [Poster] 7. Biochemical engineering |
PM201–PM236 [Poster] S8. Electrical energy devices |
PN201–PN230 [Poster] 6. Process sys. engineering |
PO201–PO239 [Poster] 1. Prop. phys. chem. |
PO241–PO247 [Poster] 10. Proc. Safety |
Wed 25th |
9:00–10:00 |
Plenary 2 |
10:30–12:00 |
B301–B305 2. Fluid and particle processing |
C301–C306 12. Materials processing and interface control |
D301–D306 12. Materials processing and interface control |
E302–E306 9. Energy engineering |
F301–F306 S9. Diversity in chemical engineering |
G301–G306 5. Chemical reaction engineering |
H301–H306 5. Chemical reaction engineering |
I301–I306 13. Environ-ment |
J301–J306 4. Separation processes |
K301–K306 7. Biochemical engineering |
PL301–PL340 [SC] 7. Biochemical engineering |
M301–M306 S8. Materials and systems engineering for electrical energy devices |
N301–N305 6. Process systems engineering |
O301–N306 10. Process safety manage-ment and technology |
13:30–15:00 |
A313–A317, PA321–PA326 S6. Au–Cn–Jp sess. for powder and nanotech. |
B313–B316 2. Fluid and particle processing |
C313–C318 12. Materials processing and interface control |
D314–D318 12. Materials processing and interface control |
E313–E318 9. Energy engineering |
F313–F318 14. Chemical plant material engineering |
G313–G318 5. Chemical reaction engineering |
H313–H317 5. Chemical reaction engineering |
I313–I318 13. Environ-ment |
J313–J318 4. Separation processes |
K313–K318 7. Biochemical engineering |
PL341–PL374 [SC] 7. Biochemical engineering |
M313–M317 S8. Materials and systems engineering for electrical energy devices |
N313–N318 6. Process systems engineering |
O313–O317 1. Physical properties and physical chemistry |
15:30–17:00 |
A321–A326 S6. Au–Cn–Jp sess. for powder and nanotech. |
B321–B326 2. Fluid and particle processing |
C321–C325 12. Materials processing and interface control |
D321–D326 12. Materials processing and interface control |
E321–E326 9. Energy engineering |
F321–F325 8. Supercritical fluid technology |
G321–G325 S7. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) |
H321–H325 5. Chemical reaction engineering |
I321–I326 13. Environ-ment |
J321–J325 4. Separation processes |
K321–K324 7. Biochemical engineering |
[SC] 7. Biochemical engineering |
M321–M326 S8. Materials and systems engineering for electrical energy devices |
N321–N327 6. Process systems engineering |
O321–O326 1. Physical properties and physical chemistry |
17:00–19:00 Hall P |
PA321–PA326 [Poster] S6. Au–Cn–Jp powder |
PB301–PB383 [Poster] 2. Fluid and particle |
PE301–PE342 [Poster] 9. Energy eng. |
PA301–PA316 [Poster] 3. Therm. eng. |
PF301–PF303 [Poster] 14. Chemical plant material engineering |
PG301–PG313 [Poster] S7. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) |
PH301–PH391 [Poster] 5. Chemical reaction engineering | |
PJ301–PJ395 [Poster] 4. Separation processes |
PL301–PL374 [Poster] 7. Biochemical engineering |
Thu 26th |
9:00–10:00 |
Plenary 3 |
10:30–12:00 |
A401–A408 S10. Industry 4.0 and the future of chemical engineering |
B402–B406 2. Fluid and particle processing |
C401–C406 12. Materials processing and interface control |
D401–D405 12. Materials processing and interface control |
E401–E405 3. Heat transfer and thermal engineering |
F401–F406 8. Supercritical fluid technology |
G401–G406 S7. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) |
H401–H405 5. Chemical reaction engineering |
I401–I405 13. Environ-ment |
J401–J406 4. Separation processes |
K402–K406 7. Biochemical engineering |
L401–L405 S3. East Asian joint session: Critical SDGs in highly industrialized economies |
M401–M406 S8. Materials and systems engineering for electrical energy |
N401–N405 6. Process systems engineering |
O401–O406 1. Physical properties and physical chemistry |
13:30–15:00 |
A413–A417 S6. Au–Cn–Jp sess. for powder and nanotech. |
B413–B418 2. Fluid and particle processing |
C413–C417 12. Materials processing and interface control |
D413–D418 12. Materials processing and interface control |
E413–E418 3. Heat transfer and thermal engineering |
F413–F418 8. Supercritical fluid technology |
G413–G418 S7. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) |
H413–H418 5. Chemical reaction engineering |
I414–I418 13. Environ-ment |
J413–J417 4. Separation processes |
K413–K418 7. Biochemical engineering |
L413–L417 S3. East Asian joint session: Critical SDGs in highly industrialized economies |
M413–M417 S8. Materials and systems engineering for electrical energy |
N413–N418 6. Process systems engineering |
O413–O417 1. Physical properties and physical chemistry |
15:30–17:00 |
A421–A426 S6. Au–Cn–Jp sess. for powder and nanotech. |
B421–B425 2. Fluid and particle processing |
C421–C426 12. Materials processing and interface control |
D421–D426 12. Materials processing and interface control |
E421–E426 3. Heat transfer and thermal engineering |
F421–F425 8. Supercritical fluid technology |
G421–G423 S7. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) |
H421–H426 5. Chemical reaction engineering |
I421–I426 13. Environ-ment |
K421–K426 7. Biochemical engineering |
L421–L423 S3. East Asian joint session: Critical SDGs in highly industrialized economies |
M421–M425 S8. Materials and systems engineering for electrical energy |
N421–N426 6. Process systems engineering |
O421–O423 1. Physical properties and physical chemistry |
Fri 27th |
9:00–12:10 |
A501–A509 S2. SDGs forum incl. Plenary 4